“Dee has not only helped me in my transition from leadership to entrepreneurship, but she also helped me to find my passion. She assisted me in navigating the local requirements and regulations so I can operate my dream business as a dog groomer. On top of that, she has helped me set goals that keep my business growing.”
C-Suite Executive
“I have owned my company for over 30 years. Once I decided to sale the brand and keep the manufacturing I realized I was losing money. Dee coached me and provided me with turnaround services that helped me pivot my company into a new direction."
30-year CEO / Manufacturer
“Dee has laid the foundation of leadership for our business. She has provided us with design evaluations and set up job fairs where we have hired qualified and ready-to-work employees. In addition, coaching with Dee personally stretched me and helped me to recognize the potential in each employee."
Florida and Georgia
Getting to know Dee is remarkable.
As a mother of 2 daughters, a wife, a lifelong entrepreneur, elected official, and community advocate, one may wonder how she does all of that.
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